Welcome to DoTBot, an AI chatbot that the Department of Transport (DoT) is trialling.

DoTBot is designed to answer your questions and help you find information on our website.

Its answers are not legal advice or substitutes for professional advice.

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  1. DoT cannot guarantee that the information provided by the AI chatbot is error free, complete, and appropriate for your purposes.

  2. You will verify any responses it provides before relying on it.

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  4. The chatbot may collect personal information for improving the user experience (see DoT's Privacy Policy). Please avoid sharing Personally Identifiable Information when using this chatbot.

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How to submit co-payment data

The Department of Transport (DoT) administers co-payments for TUSS journeys where a passenger uses a wheelchair. To support co-payment validation, relevant ODBSs must submit a copy of their booking records to DoT via their DoTDirect account.

Co-payments are an incentive payment to wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) taxi drivers who are affiliated with:

  • DoT’s dedicated WAV on-demand booking service (ODBS) in the Perth metropolitan area (Black & White Cabs); or
  • other relevant regional ODBS.

Co-payments aim to compensate drivers for the additional time, effort and training required to safely assist passengers with wheelchairs into the taxi using a wheelchair lift.

Updates to Subsidy Scheme Guidelines

The Passenger Transport Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) will replace the Taxi User Subsidy Scheme (TUSS) from 1 March 2025.

The PTSS Guidelines for Industry (published below) are now in force, outlining:

  • how PTSS operates in WA;
  • PTSS responsibilities for on-demand booking services and drivers; and
  • rules around accepting TUSS vouchers while we transition to PTSS.

The PTSS Guidelines for Participants will be published in early 2025, outlining PTSS rules and responsibilities for applicants and participants.

The Taxi User Subsidy Scheme (TUSS) Guidelines are still applicable in certain circumstances.

Penalties apply if the PTSS Guidelines and TUSS Guidelines are not followed, or if drivers refuse to accept TUSS or PTSS.

What data do I need to submit?

The data required to validate co-payments is a subset of the records all ODBSs are required to keep.

ODBSs will receive an email notification when their data is due.

For each journey undertaken during the time period specified in the email, ODBSs will need to provide the following records:

  • a unique journey identification number; 
  • the date and time at which the booking was taken or facilitated;
  • the date and times the journey began and ended;
  • the locations where the journey began and ended;
  • the driver’s relevant passenger transport driver authorisation number;
  • the vehicle licence number or interstate vehicle licence number of the vehicle; and
  • the number of passengers carried while seated in a wheelchair. 

How to submit co-payment data

Co-payment data must be submitted via the ODBS’s DoTDirect account. 

Data must be submitted as a .csv file and be formatted to meet the Co-payment data file specifications (below). The required columns can be in any order in your data file, but the column names need to exactly match the Co-payment data file specifications. Example .csv and .xlsx files are also provided below to use as guide.

Once your TUSS journey data file is correctly formatted, it must be submitted through the “Journey data submissions page” under the On-demand Transport tab of DoTDirect. 

For a step-by-step guide of the submission process, download the Co-payment data submission user guide below.

What if I didn’t conduct any reportable journeys in the reporting period?

If you receive a co-payment data submission request for a period in which you did not conduct any journeys, you will need to log into DoTDirect and select the 'no journeys were conducted during this period' box on the Upload journey data screen. 

See the "Journey data submissions" section of the Co-payment data submission user guide (below) for more information.

What to do if your data file is rejected

If you upload a data file that contains errors, you will be notified by email that it has been rejected. 

You will then need to fix all errors and re-upload your data file. Your new data file must include all journey records, not just the records you fixed.

Refer to the Co-payment data submission user guide (below) to help you understand and fix any errors that may be detected in your data.

Page last updated: Tue Dec 24 2024 10:45:56 AM