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State-wide notices

View navigational warnings, event notices and Temporary Notices To Mariners for all of Western Australia.

 Advice:  Deployment of Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs) - Below 26th Parallel (Shark Bay)

Mariners are advised that Fish Aggregation Devices (FAD) are scheduled to be deployed below the 26th parallel (Shark Bay) in late October, early November 2024 at each of the following locations:

Metro North 31° 37.277 S, 115° 7.997 E
Metro North 31° 41.716 S, 115° 8.008 E
Metro North 31° 42.020 S, 115° 10.512 E
Metro North 31° 43.720 S, 115° 10.524 E

Woodman Pt 32° 6.778 S, 115° 7.011 E
Woodman Pt 32° 6.780 S, 115° 10.065 E

Rockingham 32° 17.559 S, 115° 5.635 E
Rockingham 32° 14.876 S, 115° 7.300 E

Mandurah 32° 31.560 S, 115° 4.200 E
Mandurah 32° 33.252 S, 115° 3.403 E

Lancelin 31° 16.566 S, 115° 1.629 E
Lancelin 31° 3.947 S, 114° 52.463 E

Jurien 30° 1.568 S, 114° 30.123E
Jurien 30° 13.466 S, 114° 34.415 E
Jurien 30° 16.700 S, 114° 34.873 E
Jurien 30° 29.330 S, 114° 37.559 E
Jurien 30° 18.492 S, 114° 35.301 E

Steep Pt 26° 10.353 S, 113° 2.188 E
Steep Pt 26° 6.378 S, 113° 6.336 E

Albany 35° 18.796 S, 118° 1.906 E
Albany 35° 18.709 S, 118° 5.422 E
Albany 35° 22.465 S, 118° 7.590 E
Albany 35° 23.391 S, 118° 5.565 E

Cape Naturaliste 33° 16.575 S, 114° 32.648 E
Cape Naturaliste 33° 18.991 S, 114° 41.797 E
Cape Naturaliste 33° 15.789 S, 114° 34.936 E
Cape Naturaliste 33° 18.615 S, 114° 39.430E

Abrolhos 28° 59.003 S, 113° 46.884 E
Abrolhos 28° 49.656 S, 113° 39.923 E
Abrolhos 28° 52.741 S, 113° 42.366 E

The above FADs consist of a conical yellow buoy (1260mm H x 800mm D) equipped with a flashing yellow light.

Flash rate: Fl Y 4s

Recovery date: May 2025

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution and keep well clear of the above FADs
Location: 000: 00.0000'S  000: 00.0000'E
Start date: 24/10/2024
End date: 31/05/2025
Issued: 24/10/2024
Notice number: 6210

 Advice:  Advice: Deployment of Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs) - Above 26th Parallel (Shark Bay)

Mariners are advised that Fish Aggregation Devices (FAD) are scheduled to be deployed above the 26th Parallel in March/April 2024 at each of the following locations:

Exmouth: 21:34.500 S, 113:58.000 E
Exmouth: 21:35.852 S, 114:06.751 E
Exmouth: 21:37.853 S, 114:02.481 E
Exmouth: 21:38.578 S, 114:06.225 E

Broome: 17:54.369 S, 121:45.595 E
Broome: 17:56.928 S, 121:34.420 E 
Broome: 17:48.709 S, 121:39.364 E
Broome:17:46.011 S, 121:34.626 E

Dampier:20:20.494 S, 116:15.299 E
Dampier:20:17.044 S, 117:7.873 E
Dampier:20:24.464 S, 116:23.999 E
Dampier:20:30.046 S, 116:17.639 E

The above FADs consist of a conical yellow buoy (1260mm H x 800mm D) equipped with a flashing yellow light.

Recovery date: Oct/Nov 2024
Flash rate: Fl Y 4s

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution and keep well clear of the above FADs
Location: 000: 00.0000'S  000: 00.0000'E
Start date: 26/03/2024
End date: 30/11/2024
Issued: 26/03/2024
Notice number: 6015

 Advice:  Shipping and Pilotage Act 1967 (WA) Ports mandatory pilotage and commercial vessel access requirements

Shipping and Pilotage Act 1967 (WA) Ports
Ships Masters, ship operators and ships agents are reminded that commercial vessel access and mandatory pilotage requirements to Shipping and Pilotage Act 1967 (Act) Ports (S&P Ports) exist and should be complied with at all times.

The gazetted Ports of the Shipping and Pilotage Act 1967 (Act) and Shipping and Pilotage (Ports and Harbours) Regulations 1966 (Regs) that are of interest are contained within Schedule 1A of the Regs, and at the time of issuance of this Notice are as follows:

Port of Barrow Island; and
Port of Cape Preston;
Port of Carnarvon (including the export terminals of Useless Loop and Cape Cuvier);
Port of Onslow;
Port of Perth (including Jervoise Bay, Thomson Bay, Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour;
Swan River and Hillarys Boat Harbour);
Port Walcott;
All Masters, ship operators and ship agents are reminded that pursuant with s.5 of the Act, the Harbour Master has the power to control the entry, departure, berthing, mooring and moving of vessels within the port, and may exercise such powers relating to the control and the direction of vessels and persons within the port to maintain good order within the port.

Within the port boundaries (as marked on appropriate AUS charting products) of the above listed S&P Ports all commercial vessel access and marine operations, irrespective of vessel size, must be approved by the Western Australian Department of Transport (WA DoT) Harbour Master prior to a commercial vessel arrival at the port boundary and prior to any marine operations being conducted. Vessels that do not have prior approval to access the port should not proceed beyond the port boundary into the waters of the port. Vessels that do not have prior approval for their marine operations should not commence those operations.

Vessel Masters, vessel operators and vessel agents are reminded that pursuant with s.11 of the Act, any person who fails to comply with any order or Direction of a Harbour Master mad
Start date: 21/01/2021
Issued: 21/01/2022
Notice number: 2016-62
Page last updated: Tue Feb 15 2022 11:36:32 AM