General feedback, compliments and complaints

Here you can provide feedback or make a complaint via our online form.

Please complete the general feedback form below if you would like to offer a suggestion, send a compliment or make a complaint.

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, contact the National Relay Service on 13 36 77 and ask to be connected to DoT on 13 11 56. This service is available Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm.

If you require assistance or an interpreter, phone 13 11 56.

The Department of Transport is committed to an accessible, fair and equitable feedback process and to improve processes and services to provide a positive customer experience. To find out more refer to our Customer Feedback Management Policy.

Please note we will not respond to any feedback which contains sexist, racist or any other anti-social or inappropriate comments.

Questions marked as * are mandatory.

  Feedback Form

Page last updated: Wed Jul 20 2022 3:45:23 PM