Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme (RBFS) grants

Find out about grants to plan, construct and upgrade public recreational boating facilities in WA.

The Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme (RBFS) provides grants to state, local and other government authorities to plan, construct and upgrade public boating infrastructure to benefit the WA boating community.

The RBFS aims to:

  • improve recreational boating access to navigable waters
  • enhance the safety of recreational boating infrastructure
  • reduce the environmental impact of recreational boating facilities
  • deliver new and improved recreational boating infrastructure
  • ensure consultation with recreational boating organisations.

The Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme (RBFS) offers one round of funding each year.

Applications for Round 29 are now open.

Grant funding

Grant applicants may request up to 75% of a project's estimated cost with the maximum grant set at $750,000 (excluding GST).

Successful projects may only receive partial funding if there are more proposals than funds available.

Round 28 successful applicants

Applicant Successful projects in round 28 Grant
City of Rockingham Palm Beach West boat ramp upgrade, install new boat ramp and jetty, with improved vehicle turning area, signage, lighting, and universal access paths. $750,000
Department of Transport Upgrade the existing Denham boat ramp jetty with a new staggered fixed jetty and increase the overall length of the boat ramp. $750,000
Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley Replacement of the northern boat ramp at the Wyndham boat launching facility. $746,250
Department of Transport Replacement of the boat ramp fixed finger jetty at the Bandy Creek Boat Harbour, Esperance with a floating pontoon. $303,481
Shire of Derby-West Kimberley Planning study to resolve current tidal and siltation issues at the Derby Recreational and Emergency Sea Rescue Boat Ramps. $104,383
Shire of Ravensthorpe Planning study to assess the suitability of boat launching at Hopetoun main beach, Masons Bay, and Starvation Bay. $45,000
Shire of Murray Planning study at Batavia Quays to provide engineering drawings and a detailed cost estimate for a future boat ramp upgrade. $37,500

Read the full media statement about the successful grant applicants for round 28.

The Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme (RBFS) is primarily funded by boat registration fees.

The Department of Transport also offers Coastal Adaptation and Protection (CAP) grants for projects that identify and manage coastal hazards.

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 Eligibility and grant categories

Find out who can apply for a Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme grant, and what types of projects are eligible.

 Application process

How to apply for a Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme planning or works grant.
Page last updated: Thu Jun 27 2024 9:56:36 AM