Updates and advice

There may be changes to our services due to COVID-19. Keep informed with current updates and advice on staying safe when driving, boating or visiting our centres and facilities.


Get quick answers to our most frequently asked questions below.

Why has my Practical Driving Assessment been cancelled or rescheduled?

The number of DoT Driving Assessors available for Practical Driving Assessments (PDAs) in WA has been severely impacted by isolation requirements due to COVID-19.

In response, DoT will prioritise customers with existing bookings and will manage the release of future bookings based on staff availability. Any available PDAs will continue to show in the online booking system.

We apologise for the inconvenience and ask for patience as DoT navigates the impacts of COVID-19 on our workforce and delivery of services to the community.

Has COVID-19 had an impact on wait times at DoT centres?

Yes, as with many WA businesses, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on our Transport Service Centre and Contact Centre teams. 

This has resulted in customers experiencing longer than expected wait times in centre or on the phone.

You can make payments and conduct other DoT business on the DoT website via your DoTDirect account.

Do I need to show proof of vaccination to enter a DoT centre?

No, you are not required to show proof of vaccination to enter a Department of Transport (DoT) centre, but you are required to check in using the ServiceWA or SafeWA app or sign the manual contact register.

DoT encourages all eligible Western Australians to get the free COVID-19 vaccine to keep the community safe.

Do I have to wear a mask when doing my PDA?

No, as of 9 September 2022, you are no longer required to wear a mask during a practical driving assessment (PDA).

Driving assessors may choose to wear a mask for their own personal protection, and may offer candidates an optional mask if they display flu like symptoms, but it is not a requirement.

A reminder that online services are available via DoTDirect (transport.wa.gov.au).


Do I have to prove my vaccination status to do a PDA?

No, you are not required to show proof of vaccination to do your PDA. 

DoT encourages all eligible Western Australians to get the free COVID-19 vaccine to keep the community safe.

Do I need to be vaccinated to travel in a taxi, charter or rideshare service?

There are currently no State Government directions mandating proof of vaccination for passengers of a taxi, charter or rideshare service.

DoT encourages all eligible Western Australians to get the free COVID-19 vaccine to keep the community safe.

Do I have to wear a mask when learning to drive?

Under current State Government directions, masks are no longer required in public indoor venues or vehicles with occupants that are not from the same household.

However, masks are encouraged where physical distancing isn't possible.

Individual driving schools and instructors may also have their own requirements.

Stay informed

COVID-19 in WA

Visit wa.gov.au for the latest news, advice and updates on COVID-19 in WA.

Visit wa.gov.au


Page last updated: Tue Sep 6 2022 4:08:38 PM