Maritime and coastal infrastructure projects

Find out about our maritime and coastal infrastructure planning and development projects across WA.

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 Barrack Square Jetty 1 Replacement

Find out more about the Barrack Square Jetty 1 Replacement.

 Broome boating facility concept

The Department of Transport has worked with stakeholders to develop a boating facility concept designed to improve safety and access for the Broome community.

 Carnarvon Fascine Entryway and Boat Harbour Pen Project

We are working with the Carnarvon community to implement improved vessel access for the Carnarvon Fascine.

 Carnarvon One Mile Jetty

We are leading a project to restore partial access to the historic One Mile Jetty.

 Casuarina Boat Harbour - Transforming Bunbury’s Waterfront Stage 3 Phase 1

The Department of Transport is delivering Stage 3 Phase 1 project works and working with the South West Development Commission, the lead agency for the Transforming Bunbury’s Waterfront program.

 Drummond Cove improvements

Find out more about the Drummond Cove coastal protection and boat launching facility investigations.

 Exmouth Boat Harbour master plan

We are working with the Shire of Exmouth and key stakeholders on a master plan to guide the development of the Exmouth Boat Harbour.

 Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour projects

The Department of Transport is upgrading services and amenities at Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour to provide a better experience for harbour users and visitors.

 Fremantle Harbours Master Plan

We are working on a master plan to revitalise and better connect the Fremantle Fishing Boat, Challenger and Success Harbours to the Fremantle city centre

 Geraldton Batavia Coast Marina boat pens

The Department of Transport (DoT) is developing plans to build an additional set of boat pens (Jetty C) in the Batavia Coast Marina.

 Geraldton Batavia Coast Marina future development

The Department of Transport (DoT) intends to develop an overall development concept for the Batavia Coast Marina.

 Hillarys Boat Harbour upgrade

Ongoing improvements to Hillarys Boat Harbour makes it an ideal location for recreational and commercial boating and a great day out for the family.

 Jurien Bay Boat Harbour water quality improvements

We are working on a long-term solution to maintain and improve Jurien Bay Boat Harbour’s water quality and environment.

 Onslow Community Boating Precinct

The Department of Transport (DoT) is working with the Shire of Ashburton to deliver the Onslow Community Boating Precinct.

 Port Geographe reconfiguration

In 2015, The Department of Transport (DoT) reconfigured the coastal structures at Port Geographe.

 Tantabiddi Boating Facility

The Department of Transport is working to develop and improve access at the Tantabiddi Boat Ramp.

 Two Rocks Marina upgrade

The first phase of the Two Rocks Marina upgrade project is now complete.

 New Woodman Point Ammo Jetty

The Department of Transport is replacing Woodman Point Ammo Jetty to provide users with a safer, new recreational facility.

 Contractor information

This page provides information for contractors to the Department of Transport including our Infrastructure Delivery Plan, Project Bank Accounts (PBAs) and Panel Contracts.
Page last updated: Fri Apr 14 2023 2:08:54 PM